Introducing Baby-Led Weaning: Benefits, Tips & Must-Have Gear

Instead of offering and encouraging babies to try solid food in pureé or mashed form, baby-led weaning (BLW) lets the tots feed themselves. This new approach in introducing solid food to babies has parents buzzing in recent years.  

But what makes it different from the traditional spoon-feeding method? Baby-led weaning allows babies to feed themselves and discover and enjoy solid foods at their own pace. Unlike spoon-feeding where parents hold the spoon or food, babies are free to explore various nutritious foods by themselves.

For moms who want to know more about this new feeding technique, let’s explore the reasons behind the growing popularity of BLW among parents and shed light on how it can positively influence your baby's development and overall feeding experience.  

The Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

The Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning

Introducing solid foods to 6-month old babies through baby-led weaning offers many benefits that help their holistic development in various ways. It includes fostering self-control and boosting fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This method also sets the stage for less picky eating, encouraging independence as they munch on their own.

best high chair for baby led weaning

Is Your Baby Ready for BLW?

For safe and effective self-feeding during baby-led weaning (BLW), your baby should be able to sit upright without support and maintain good head control. Typically around six months of age, babies lose the tongue-thrust reflex, which causes them to push food out of their mouths. This developmental milestone signifies their readiness for solid foods.

Look out for signs of curiosity and fascination with food. Some examples include reaching for items on their plate, expressing enthusiasm during mealtime, or imitating chewing movements. Your baby should gradually develop the ability to grab objects and bring them close to their mouth.

Setting the Stage: Baby-Led Weaning Essentials

Ready to introduce baby-led weaning to your little one? Here are some key practices to ensure your little explorer has a safe and enjoyable experience while discovering new flavors and textures.

1. Prepare the feeding area

Before the food fun begins, make sure to prepare your feeding gear. The best high chair for baby-led weaning should have adjustable height settings, secure harnesses, an easy-to-clean surface, and a compact design.

Opt for a sturdy high chair with a washable tray and straps to ensure safety and stability during the baby’s self-feeding. Consider placing a wipeable mat underneath to catch any stray food mess. Check out these options from Baby Company:

Marcus & Marcus 360° High Chair

Marcus & Marcus 360° High Chair

Giant Carrier Natalie High ChairGiant Carrier Natalie High Chair

Kinderkraft Tixi High ChairKinderkraft Tixi High Chair


2. Ready for mess

Babies learning to self-feed through baby-led weaning can create a mess. Invest in handy baby feeding sets like grip silicone plates and bowls to make cleanup a breeze. Also, consider using bibs with catch pockets to minimize the mess. 

Nuby Sure Grip Miracle Mat

Nuby Sure Grip Miracle Mat Bear Section Plate

The First Years Inside Scoop Suction Section Plate

The First Years Inside Scoop Suction Section Plate

Mom & Baby Silicone Sensory Bib - Blue

Mom & Baby Silicone Sensory Bib - Blue


3. Hydrate the little one

To ensure your baby remains hydrated, offer water during meals in a sippy cup or training cup, whichever your baby prefers.

Beaba 3-In-1 Evolutive Training Cup

Beaba 3-In-1 Evolutive Training Cup

Sesame Beginnings 5-in-1 Training Cup with Free Plastic Bib

Bebeta Training Cup Multi-Funcition 5-in-1

Bebeta Training Cup Multi-Funcition 5-in-1


4. Baby-led weaning foods

When starting BLW, consider offering nutrient-dense foods that are easy for babies to hold and manage. Introduce your baby to soft texture foods like banana slices, avocado wedges, and steamed apple or pear slices. Explore vegetables for babies like carrot sticks, sweet potato wedges, broccoli florets, and zucchini strips. 

You can start with mashed food and then transition to bite-sized pieces using food mixers like BabyMoov food processors or manual food makers. You can plan and prepare their baby food by using food containers.

As they progress, expand their palate with naturally soft options like biscuits, mixed yogurt, and rice puffs, like those offered by Baby Company:

Natufoodies Organic Rice Puff Avocado Biscuit (6 months+) 42g

Natufoodies Organic Rice Puff Avocado Biscuit (6 months+) 42g

Only Organic Carrots Red Lentils & Cheddar (8+ mos) 120g

Only Organic Carrots Red Lentils & Cheddar (8+ mos) 120g

Only Organic Baby Snack Banana Biscotti (10 mos+) 100g

Only Organic Baby Snack Banana Biscotti (10 mos+) 100g


5. Read the cues

When it comes to mealtimes, pay close attention to your baby's signals. They may not be hungry or full if they appear uninterested, fussy, or push food away.

6. Exercise patience

It may take time for your baby to master self-feeding and become comfortable with new foods. Remember to let your baby discover textures and flavors at their own pace. Allow them to touch, squish, and taste their food without pressure.

7. Seek expert advice

For concerns or questions related to baby-led weaning, your baby's feeding habits, or baby-led weaning recipes, consult with your pediatrician. Their expert guidance and support can help ensure your baby's healthy and safe transition to solid foods.

Introducing your little one to baby-led weaning can be a fulfilling and memorable journey for both parents and babies. Look for signs of readiness like sitting up, good head control, and interest in food. Choose soft, easy-to-mash foods that aren't a choking hazard. Prioritize safety by keeping an eye on your baby while they eat and preventing them from putting dangerous items in their mouths. 

Set the stage for your baby's learning journey at mealtime! Baby Company offers the right equipment to support you and your baby’s BLW journey with confidence and ease. Shop your baby essentials at Baby Company stores, inside SM Stores nationwide, or online.

Parenting advice